Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Just Need To Point This Out...

Okay, I know that I'm a bit too late with this topic, but as a female writer for a blog that relatively focuses on video games, I definitely need to bring this issue to light.

The issue is this:

On February 24th, 2009 Sony announced that they are releasing a bundle pack for the PSP this July. The bundle pack includes a lilac-colored PSP like the one shown above, a Hannah Montana video game, Hannah Montana episodes on UMD, and if that didn't make you want to puke just yet, it also comes with stickers to make your Hannah Montana infested PSP look oh so pretty.

Sony says that this Hannah Montana Bundle Pack will be released "as part of a new focus on expanding the PSP market to female gamers" because ALL female gamers, especially the ones over the age of 12, love Hannah Montana.

Sony is also releasing an Assassin's Creed Bundle Pack this summer. And of course, the PSP will come in the "manly" shade of black.

Honestly I find it so annoying that video game companies like to lump all female gamers into one big category of consumers who only play Petz, Imagine Babysitter, and of course, Hannah Montana.

I mean it's understandable that the Hannah Montana bundle pack is supposed to be marketed to tween girls. But this only alienates other female gamers, such as myself, who prefer to play more mature games like Assassin's Creed.

Can't the lilac PSP come with a Little Big Planet bundle since that is also being released for the PSP this summer? Or with Rock Band Unplugged which is set to be released later on this year?

As for myself, I can't say that I don't like the lilac color. Purple is, and always has been, my favorite color. But it saddens me that the only way I can get a lilac PSP is with the crappy Hannah Montana game.

And it'd only be a waste of money if I pay $200 for this lilac PSP bundle, sell my unopened Hannah Montana game for less than half the game's original price, and then spend about $30-$40 more for a game that I will actually play.

So this is yet another example of how sexist video game companies can be and how financially inconvenient these sexist acts are to girls like me who can't afford to waste money on BS.

Thanks Sony, thanks a lot. >_<

Sorry For The Long Delay...

I know it's been a while since I've updated this blog, but I'm preparing for the apocalypse finals which I have all this week.

If I somehow survive this tragically stressful week of nights getting high off of caffeinated drinks trying to memorize large amounts of useless information and days trying to regain that info back into my poor, overused memory and onto my test sheet then I'll start on this blog again.

Actually I've been thinking about changing it up a little, and get a little bit more serious with it. I might just leave Blogger all together and make a mini-website, who knows?

All I know is that when summer vacation approaches, I'll have a lot of time on my hands.

Especially with the fact that my summer job search is starting to look grim. =[

Anyway I hope you guys will have an awesome week, and if you have finals then I wish you luck!

Oh and btw, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is coming out this Friday, May 1st. I'm really excited for it so hopefully it'd be the next topic for my blog entry by Friday/Saturday! =D


PS- Check out my other, more personal blog here!