Friday, May 8, 2009

Green Day LEAKED!!!

Green Day fans, such as myself, can actually listen to their newest album, 21st Century Breakdown, HERE!

It's way better than waiting for the album to drop on May, 15th =]

Right now I'm listening to the second song on 21CB called, um, 21st Century Breakdown, and it reminds me of St. Jimmy from their last album American Idiot.

I'm liking it, but I wish they would go back to their post-grunge punk roots a la Dookie.

Maybe it just hasn't grown unto me yet. >.>

Click here to listen to 21st Century Breakdown for free!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I Just Need To Point This Out...

Okay, I know that I'm a bit too late with this topic, but as a female writer for a blog that relatively focuses on video games, I definitely need to bring this issue to light.

The issue is this:

On February 24th, 2009 Sony announced that they are releasing a bundle pack for the PSP this July. The bundle pack includes a lilac-colored PSP like the one shown above, a Hannah Montana video game, Hannah Montana episodes on UMD, and if that didn't make you want to puke just yet, it also comes with stickers to make your Hannah Montana infested PSP look oh so pretty.

Sony says that this Hannah Montana Bundle Pack will be released "as part of a new focus on expanding the PSP market to female gamers" because ALL female gamers, especially the ones over the age of 12, love Hannah Montana.

Sony is also releasing an Assassin's Creed Bundle Pack this summer. And of course, the PSP will come in the "manly" shade of black.

Honestly I find it so annoying that video game companies like to lump all female gamers into one big category of consumers who only play Petz, Imagine Babysitter, and of course, Hannah Montana.

I mean it's understandable that the Hannah Montana bundle pack is supposed to be marketed to tween girls. But this only alienates other female gamers, such as myself, who prefer to play more mature games like Assassin's Creed.

Can't the lilac PSP come with a Little Big Planet bundle since that is also being released for the PSP this summer? Or with Rock Band Unplugged which is set to be released later on this year?

As for myself, I can't say that I don't like the lilac color. Purple is, and always has been, my favorite color. But it saddens me that the only way I can get a lilac PSP is with the crappy Hannah Montana game.

And it'd only be a waste of money if I pay $200 for this lilac PSP bundle, sell my unopened Hannah Montana game for less than half the game's original price, and then spend about $30-$40 more for a game that I will actually play.

So this is yet another example of how sexist video game companies can be and how financially inconvenient these sexist acts are to girls like me who can't afford to waste money on BS.

Thanks Sony, thanks a lot. >_<

Sorry For The Long Delay...

I know it's been a while since I've updated this blog, but I'm preparing for the apocalypse finals which I have all this week.

If I somehow survive this tragically stressful week of nights getting high off of caffeinated drinks trying to memorize large amounts of useless information and days trying to regain that info back into my poor, overused memory and onto my test sheet then I'll start on this blog again.

Actually I've been thinking about changing it up a little, and get a little bit more serious with it. I might just leave Blogger all together and make a mini-website, who knows?

All I know is that when summer vacation approaches, I'll have a lot of time on my hands.

Especially with the fact that my summer job search is starting to look grim. =[

Anyway I hope you guys will have an awesome week, and if you have finals then I wish you luck!

Oh and btw, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is coming out this Friday, May 1st. I'm really excited for it so hopefully it'd be the next topic for my blog entry by Friday/Saturday! =D


PS- Check out my other, more personal blog here!

Friday, April 10, 2009

GameStop May Be In Trouble With the Po Po...

GameStop may get into trouble with the authorities because of the main reason why it's my dream to have a summer job there: allowing employers to bring newly released video games home, play them, and bring them back to the store to sell them as new.

This "check out" policy may get GameStop into trouble with the Federal Trade Commission because it's considered illegal.

Basically, the real problem is that used video games are being sold for "new" prices.

If that were the case then GameStop should just sell these video games for "used" prices. Make them cheaper.

That would be so much better than removing the policy.

Because if they did, then my dreams of working at GameStop and being able to play those coveted video games for free would be crushed 0_0;

And then I'd have to find another way to waste my summer ;-;

WooT! New FMA!

Fullmetal Alchemist fans, like myself, can rejoice for Funimation since the anime channel is now streaming new episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood for free on the website ^_^

Plus, if your one of those anime fans who usually hate the dubbed voices, you can easily change the setting of the video to sub only. Cool huh? =]

Here's the description of the new series:

"Brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric hoped to resurrect their mother’s corpse when they attempted human transmutation, but their reckless defiance of alchemy’s Law of Equivalent Exchange resulted in no miraculous reunion. Their experimentation with forbidden science plunged the boys into a hellish nightmare; half of Ed’s limbs were torn from his body, and Al awoke to discover his young soul transferred to a suit of armor. There is but one way the Elrics can restore what was lost - find the fabled Philosopher’s Stone. In a land marred by war and persecution, where truth comes only with tragedy, they undertake their desperate search. Every step closer to the mythical Philosopher’s Stone brings the broken brothers deeper into the darkest shadows of reality. Sinful abominations, both unnatural and human, will try to keep the boys from their redemption - but the Elrics must forge ahead if despair is to be transmuted into peace."

SOURCE: Funimation

As soon as I pack up my clothes to go home this Easter weekend, I think I'm gonna check it out. Though I've heard that the video takes a long time to download, and it ends up buffering every five minutes.

Still, I wouldn't mind seeing Ed Elric, he gets so adorable when people call him short ^_^

Thursday, April 9, 2009

You Like Fishdicks?

Well Kanye West obviously does.
Check out the "musical genius" proclaiming his love for them in this clip of the latest South Park episode that aired last night.
I lmao'd! XD

This episode actually brought Kanye's ego down a notch! On his blog, Kanye basically says that his feelings were hurt, and that South Park inspired him to become a less douche-bag type of person.

And they say that South Park isn't good for anyone to watch. Oh please, Kanye's gonna be a brand new person thanks to Cartman...

Okay if Cartman of all people inspired you to become a better person then you must've been pretty screwed up. o_0

So Sad...

Dave Arneson the co-creator of Dungeons and Dragons Role-Playing Game passed away this Tuesday at the age of 61.

In 2002 Arneson suffered a stroke, and was later diagnosed with cancer.

Sadly, he lost his battle with cancer Tuesday night in Minnesota.

And unfortunately, he passed shortly after the one year anniversary of the other DnD creator, Gary Gygax, who passed away in March, 2008.

Arneson is survived by his wife and daughter.

The father of RPG's will be forever missed.
